Z CAM S1 / Z CAM S1 Pro


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Green Red
Idle On Off
Recording Blink slowly Off
Clear setting Fast-Fast-Slow Off
No card Off On
Card full Off Blink slowly
Low power Off Fast-Fast-Slow
Error Off Blink rapidly
2. What are the functions of each camera button?
  • Power button: turns camera ON/OFF
  • Record button: START/STOP recording
  • Record button: Press and hold the Record button for at least 5 seconds
  • until the LED blinks. This will reset the camera to the factory defaults
    NOTE: This will set the Network Mode to “Direct”.
3. What are the power requirements (min/max Voltage and Amps)?
  • DC Power Adapter Socket: 12V 3A (Max 18V)
  • USB Power Socket : 7.4V 3A
4. What is the meaning of each setting in the Z CAM Controller Software?
The settings will be explained in the User Manual.
5. What SD cards are supported?
SanDisk Extreme Pro SD Cards (95MB/s) have been fully tested and verified to work. Other cards may work but have not been tested. Where possible the SD cards should be reformatted by Z CAM Controller before each use to optimize recording performance and reliability.
6. What are the recommended minimum distances from objects?
It is recommended to have a minimum safety distance of 0.8M, but it doesn’t imply that it will always have issues. In some cases even 0.5M is fine. Always pay attention to the safety distance between camera and objects.
7. Which cameras are available for purchase and how can I purchase them?
8. How long will the battery unit power the camera?
Approximately 2 hours with fully charged 18650 standard lithium ion battery cells (3400mAh or above each).
9. How much footage will fit on a 32 GB card, 64 GB card, 128 GB card?
Videos are recorded to SD cards as multiple files of 5 minutes duration. Each 5 minute file requires approximately 2,255 MB of space. Therefore, one hour requires approximately 27,060 MB (27.06 GB) of space. Approximate maximum footage for each card size is as follows:
  • 32 GB – approx. 1 hours 10 minutes
  • 64 GB – approx. 2 hours 21 minutes
  • 128 GB – approx. 4 hours 43 minutes
10. How can I control the camera wirelessly? How do I set it up?
The camera can be controlled wirelessly by connecting a WiFi router to the Ethernet port. The recommended approach is to configure the camera Network mode to “Direct” and configure the WiFi router as an “Access Point”. The most common routers being used are the TP-Link TL-WR802N (300 Mb/s, 2.2 x 2.2 x 0.7 in) and TL-WR902AC (750 Mb/s, 2.91 x 2.64 x 0.87 in). They are small and can be powered by USB. The TL-MR3040 (150 Mb/s, 0.6 x 3.9 x 2.4 in) has also been used. It has an internal battery. All three of them have 100 Mb/s Ethernet so you will be limited to that speed to the camera. Another option is the Pepwave AP One AC Mini (866 Mb/s, 3.9 x 3.9 x 0.8 inches). The Pepwave is larger and requires 12 V power. It has the advantage of high-speed WiFi and 1 Gb/s Ethernet to the camera. The 1 Gb/s Ethernet may be important if you want to download files at higher speed or if you want to live stream via WiFi.
11. What is the difference between Direct mode and Router mode?
  • When the camera network mode is set to Direct it runs a DHCP server and assigns an IP address to the device connected via the Ethernet port. This mode is typically used to connect the camera directly to a PC or MAC via an Ethernet cable or to connect the camera to a WiFi router configured as an Access Point
  • When the camera network mode is set to Router it runs a DHCP client and requires its IP addresses to be assigned by the DHCP server running on a router on the Ethernet network the camera is connected to. This mode is typically used to connect the camera to an office or home Local Area Network. It could also be used to connect the camera to a WiFi router configured as a Router
12. How do I reset the camera to its factory defaults?
  • Use the Reset function in the Z CAM Controller Software
  • Or press and hold the Record button for at least 5 seconds until LED blinks
  • NOTE: This will set the Network Mode to “Direct”
13. What GPU cards are supported by Z CAM WonderLive and what resolutions are supported on each?
  • The AMD WX 7100 is recommended for 4K
  • The AMD WX 4100 will do 2880*1440@30fps
  • Nvidia GTX 1070 and GTX 1080 are recommended for 4K
14. How do I do Live Stream to YouTube. What do I need to do Live Streaming in 4K?
  • Z CAM WonderLive supports Live Streaming to You Tube as well as other RTMP destinations
  • Need a Win 10 PC equipped with two Ethernet cards
  • AMD WX7100 or Nvidia GTX 1070/GTX 1080 is required
15. What type of batteries are supported in the Battery Unit?
  • Four 18650 standard lithium ion (button top version) battery cells are required
  • NOTE: A charger also is required. The battery unit supplied with the camera does not have a charging function
  • Please make sure to purchase high quality batteries made by a major brand
16. How can I shoot still images?
  • Still images can be created by extracting frames from a video using Z CAM WonderStitch or another application like ffmpeg
  • Still image capture will be added in the next release
17. How can I shoot time lapse?
Time lapse mode will be supported in the next release.
18. How do I merge external audio?
  • Right now this is not supported on the camera
  • Please use external microphone and merge in post workflow
19. How do I do a per lens preview?
  • Preview is provided in the Z CAM Controller Software for PC, Mac and iPad
  • Stitched preview is supported on the latest iPad Controller Software
20. How do I control the camera and change settings without using a PC or Mac?
The is possible using a WiFi router and the iPad Controller Software
21. When will Z CAM WonderStitch be available for MacOS?
It is planned for future release​
22. Is Z CAM Controller, WonderStitch and WonderLive supported on Windows 7?
Windows 10 is required.
23. When will Z CAM WonderLive support NVIDIA GPU cards?
Already supported in latest 1.0.34 Z CAM Controller release.
24. How do I avoid stitching problems in Z CAM WonderStitch?
Please refer to the WonderStitch FAQ on www.z-cam.com.
25. I don't need my license for WonderStich anymore. Can I sell it and transfer the license?
The license for Z CAM WonderStitch stays with that particular camera is not transferrable.
26. I don't need Z CAM WonderStitch but I want 4K WonderLive. Can I just buy WonderLive?
Z CAM WonderLive is available for free now.
27. My camera gets very hot. I'm worried it may damage my SD cards. Is it safe? How long can I safely operate the camera without turning it off to let it cool down?
  • The recommended operating temperature range for the S1 is 40 degree celsius
  • The camera will shut down if it is overheated
28. My camera needs to be repaired. What is the process?
Please contact support at support@imvt.com

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Attention: Cheryl Tung
29. When I use a USB-C cable to power my camera the cable tends to fall out. It doesn't seem to insert all the way into the camera. How do I resolve this so it doesn't fall out in the middle of a recording and stop the camera?
The standard battery unit is the proper way to power the camera via the USB-C port. Some users have been successful using a USB-C cable by shaving approximately 1 mm of the cable housing which enables the connector to insert more securely in the camera.
30. What size connector does the DC receptacle require?
The connector is 5.5 mm OD and 2.1 mm ID.
31. Does Z CAM WonderStitch use a GPU to accelerate the stitching process?
Z CAM WonderStitch requires an internet connection to periodically validate licensing for the serial number of the camera footage being stitched and to download the latest configuration information.
33. How do I use the Z CAM Controller SW with the camera when using the Battery Unit?
This is not possible since the battery unit covers the Ethernet connector. Some users have connected the battery unit using a USB-C extension cable.
34. What travel cases are compatible with the camera?
Some users have Pelican cases.
35. What gimbal stabilizers can be used with the camera?
There are several third parties developing gimbals. The Tarzan-G is currently available. The MOZA GURU AIR 360° is expected to be available in July, 2017. Some users are testing other custom made gimbals. Please see the ZCAM VR Facebook page for additional information.
36. What is causing the lens flare? What can be done to reduce or eliminate it?
Lens flare occurs on all cameras and is unavoidable. The best approach is to position to void direct sunlight hitting the camera. The flare can also be edited out during post.
37. Where do I find the change logs for the camera Firmware, for the Controller SW, for WonderStitch, for WonderLive?
A summary list of changes are provided when a new version is announced on the Z CAM VR Facebook page.
38. What are the minimum computer system requirements for Z CAM WonderStitch? What are the recommended requirements?
Z CAM WonderStitch will run on any PC running Windows 10 x64. The stitching speed is primarily a function of the CPU speed. GPU acceleration is now supported (Nvidia Cuda 5.0 and above).
39. Z CAM WonderStitch is displaying "error in read config error code -3". What is causing this and how do I fix it?
This usually means that the license for your camera has not been added to the Z CAM database. Please send email to Kinson Loo at kinson@z-cam.com with the camera ID of your camera.
40. I've seen mention of the Z CAM S1 Pro. What is it? How is it different than the S1? Is it available for sale? How much does it cost? Where do I buy it? Why isn't it generally available for purchase like the S1?
  • Z CAM S1 Pro is equipped with MFT 220 degree premium fisheye lens and 4/3” image sensor so better low light sensitivity and dynamic range
  • It only supports 6K 30fps (post stitching)
  • For more information please check out www.z-cam.com
41. Can I buy just Z CAM WonderStitch?
This question was originally asked when WonderLive was included with a WonderStitch license and it was necessary to purchase the license to use WonderLive at 4K resolution. People wanted to know if they could just buy a WonderStitch license at a reduced cost if they did not want WonderLive. This is no longer an issue now then Z CAM WonderLive 4K is free.
42. Is a Z CAM WonderStitch license required per camera?
Each WonderStitch license is for a specific camera ID. Z CAM WonderStitch is an optional software. A license is only required for a camera if you want to stitch footage from that camera using Z CAM WonderStitch.
43. How can I power the camera other than using the standard battery unit and AC adapter?
The camera can be powered with a third party battery that meets the minimum power requirements and includes the right connector. Please see above questions for this information.
44. What is the native ISO of the Z CAM S1?
45 .What version of Mac OS is required to run the Controller SW?
OS X 10.11 and above.